Twill & Tee are proud to be a part of the #WeWearAustralia campaign, an initiative that unites the Australian fashion industry by highlighting the recognition and support that Australian brands like ours need.

Australian businesses design and manufacture to the highest of standards and we need to shine a light on the idea that wearing Australian made is something to be proud of and that Australian brands can compete on the world stage. 

There has never been a more important time to support Australian businesses than right now. The Australian fashion industry has been deeply impacted by the current world wide covid crisis, an industry which employs 489,000 workers with the majority, 77% being women. If you have the ability to purchase right now, look to your community and buy Australian. 

As a part of the initiative #WeWearAustralian, brands make a financial donation or a pledge of brand new product to the non-for-profit partner, Thread Together. By distributing new clothing to those in our community who are doing it tough, Thread Together helps to restore dignity and hope to those in need and in turn gives fashion brands an outlet to fight fashion waste by distributing end of the line stock that would otherwise end up in landfill.    

The initiative runs from 16th september until 16th october 21. As part of our involvement we are offering our customers 20% off our organic cotton pieces when you use the code at the checkout WeWearAustralian

Read more about the #WeWearAustralian initiative here.

September 15, 2021 — Jo Appel